Category: Viewpoints

  • Independent Minds, Departing Together

    BROOKE SKIBA I had to give a speech at my high school graduation. I wanted to say something that would sum up my four years. Something that would make people laugh, make people think and leave a lasting impression on everyone who heard me speak that day. I ended up babbling on about swimming pools…

  • Wooster, imagine others complexly

    WYATTSMITH It is a common stereotype that college students are a particularly ideological, uncompromising bunch. I don’t know whether this generalization is true overall, but my time at Wooster has provided me with plenty of anecdotal evidence in support of the theory. The clearest sign of an ideologue is the statement: “When you really think…

  • Ninety-four issues later

    TRAVIS MARMON My first issue as a section editor on the Voice was Volume CXXX, Issue VI, which came out on October 15, 2010. If my calculations are correct, that means I have been a part of 95 issues of this newspaper. Whether or not that’s a record is hard to confirm — the Voice…

  • Tuesday: My favorite least-favorite day

    IAN BENSON I have fallen in love at first sight precisely once in my life. I was 19. It was September 20, 2011. I’d spent the summer dealing with a bout of cancer, and I still carried my body like I was sick. I nervously ran hands through my short blue hair as I wandered…

  • The art wall and respect

    Scott McLellan I would like to offer these two images to the campus community to illustrate a certain climate on campus. k(NO)w and its members worked incredibly hard to put up a wall for College community members to think critically and constructively about sexual respect on campus. I would ask that, as a community, we…

  • Toward a pervasive gender neutrality

    James May Last week, the Voice published an important article about the efforts of WGSS Department faculty and students to convert certain campus restrooms into all-gender restrooms, usable by people of any and all gender identities. These plans, if successfully executed, would be a huge step forward in the College’s efforts to grow as an…