Category: Viewpoints

  • To make an impact in the world, start at home

    “How can I help?” I hear this question a lot in my line of work. Individuals find out about a community need or a national cause that resonates within them and they feel drawn to contribute in some way; they just don’t know what the first step is. If I am honest, this question causes…

  • Service is an effective means of change

    Dark soil caked underneath my fingernails and seedling in my hand, rays of sunshine beating down from the sky, the smell of fresh produce in the air and laughter roaring from all directions, I looked up to see a row of houses that had been abandoned and boarded up to be demolished. The juxtaposition between…

  • COW meal plan necessitates revisiting

    Every time you swipe to eat, you are paying $12 on Meal Plan A. For every swipe you don’t use by the end of the term, you are wasting $12. Yet, if you pay in cash, breakfast costs $5, lunch costs $7 and dinner costs $9. It’s simple math: (board fee – flex dollars)/number of…

  • Recognize systemic injustice with #MeToo

    Last week, the hashtag #MeToo went viral on social media after actress Alyssa Milano tweeted “If all the women who have been sexually harassed or assaulted wrote ‘Me too’ as a status, we might give people a sense of the magnitude of the problem.” Within 24 hours, the hashtag had been used nearly half a…

  • Finding inspiration at COW

    “How do you like Wooster?” “How does Wooster change you?” When I think back about myself first year, I am honestly surprised by how much I have changed mentally. I used to immerse myself in my own zone, care only about my life and was indifferent about any global issues. A big change Wooster gave…

  • Queer safety should be prioritized

    A few weeks ago, I took time out of my schedule to participate in a Safe Zone training. According to the Center for Diversity and Inclusion’s (CDI) website, Wooster’s Safe Zone Program is intended “To provide a welcoming environment for all gender identities, gender expressions and sexual orientations. Safe Zone establishes an identifiable network of…