Identity politics are more divisive than unifying
Before I came to America, I was a full person — not a brown person, not a woman of color, not an “international student.” I was just one person, perhaps pushed into expectations of stricter gender performance and heteronormativity a lot more, and definitely a beneficiary of class privilege, but I was not “the other”…
Beyoncé does not represent all black beauty
Growing up as a black child in the neighborhood I lived in and the school I went to left little opportunity for me to see other people who looked like me. As a little, dark black girl, that slimmed the chances even more. At school in class, I was always the only black girl and…
Spring cleaning and self-care go hand in hand
Despite graduating in a few short weeks, I too am feeling the pressure of staying energized and refreshed as the academic year comes to a close. Oftentimes our conversations on academic performance and well-being are skewed because of contemporary notions surrounding success and self-care. For my viewpoint, I want to provide an alternative perspective to…
Students need more living options
Housing selection: a simultaneously terrifying and exciting time of year that leaves students frantically surveying campus and weighing the benefits of far-away, but upscale Gault Schoolhouse, to convenient, but depressing Holden. When my roommate and I discovered that our housing selection was in the early 60s, we were ecstatic. Unlike last year, we had the…
Black women deserve better
“The most disrespected person in America is the Black woman. The most unprotected person in America is the Black woman. The most neglected person in America is the Black woman.” I begin with this quote from Black activist Malcolm X’s speech “Who Taught You to Hate Yourself,” because I want to explain how relevant his…
Make gun control intersectional
Intersectionality: a term that is gaining popularity as progressive politics make their way into the mainstream political arena. Students here at the College have started to include this word in their vocabulary, but how often do legislators think about the impact their policies will make on people of identities different than their own? As we…