Category: Viewpoints

  • U.S. intervention is at root of immigration crisis

    Just when I thought I might finally be free from having to read hypocritical neoliberal bullshit from former Secretary of State and 2016 Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, it managed to drag itself back into view. Last week, her comments on immigration in an interview with The Guardian drew relatively widespread attention: specifically, that “Europe…

  • Migrants’ treatment is deplorable

    My mother’s side of the family is Mexican, and my dad’s side of the family is Honduran/Palestinian. My grandmother on my mom’s side came to this country from Mexico about 50 years ago with no money in her pockets, her children and a heart filled with hope, which coincidentally is her name. My father’s family…

  • All environmentalists should consider veganism

    Veganism is often seen as a movement of emotion, sympathetic to the pain of animals but indifferent to the pain of humans and the destruction of our planet. There are undoubtedly some vegans whose only motivation is animal suffering or their own health, but the majority of vegans will also acknowledge that concern for the…

  • Rushing Greek Life is not for everyone

    This year, I decided to do something I never thought I would do. I rushed a sorority. I had negative stereotypes in my head about Greek Life last year, which is why I didn’t consider it then. This year, I thought I would give it a try, considering I wanted to meet new people and…

  • GOP resorts to cheap tricks and extremism

    According to popular and expert opinion, last Tuesday’s elections went exactly as expected — the Democrats won the House and made decent gains in state legislatures. The general assumption of the public is that U.S. institutions of government, like bodies of water, experience red low tides and blue high tides; to question these political currents…

  • Reform gun law for public safety

    Gun reform in the United States is a contentious issue, but it should be an issue that unites the American people. It is an outrage that our government refuses to acknowledge the gravity of these occurrences. As of Nov. 8 2018, there were 307 shootings in America over the course of 311 days. Mass shootings…