Category: Viewpoints

  • Church scandal revisited

    “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” is known as the “Golden Rule” of Catholicism. After attending Catholic school for 13 years of my life, I can’t even recall the number of bulletin boards that this teaching was posted on. Although before my First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion I had…

  • Sweat-free goal promotes activism

    The 20th century witnessed the establishment of a strong tradition of student activism on college campuses as a catalyst for social change. This connection was solidified with college involvement in the social movements of the 1960s. Famous examples of this tradition include the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee in the Civil Rights Movement, or the student…

  • Optimism lacking at Wooster

    The sun is finally shining on our small college campus, the birds are chirping, Ricky Martin is out of the closet and MTV finally dropped the word “music” from their name. Why is it, then, that people all around still find things to be sad about? One look at our culture and the answer is…

  • Racial significance of rock ‘n’ roll

    “You can intellectualize many aspects of rock ‘në roll but primarily it’s not intellectual. Its music, that’s all,” says Jann Wenner, the founding editor of Rolling Stone Magazine. Gonzo journalist Lester Bangs holds a similarly ludicrous opinion and says “Rock and Roll, at its core, is merely a bunch of raving [explitive].” In my opinion,…

  • The trouble with love

    A few weeks ago a friend approached me suggesting that the Voice write an editorial about love, based on an idea she got from a New York Times competition in that same vein. I was skeptical at first. Having been “going steady,” as my mom likes to call it, with a guy for a number…

  • A cry for compromise and honesty

    Since the 2008 election I have watched with growing disgust as a trend in our nation sickeningly snowballs.† This trend is one of the most simple and insidious tools of evil, and yet one of the most powerful. It is simply this: telling lies. Finding themselves without a leg to stand on, the corporate forces…