To the Editors:
Recently I attended a Lobby Day in Columbus on the behalf of Planned Parenthood of Northeast Ohio to discuss the Ohio Prevention First Act with my state legislators. The day was very successful and informative, and I was proud to voice the need for this landmark legislation for Ohio women. The act encompasses a number…
SENIOR EDITORIAL: Don’t be afraid to explore new things
Of all of the activities, social and academic, extracurricular and co-curricular, in which I’ve participated on this campus, there is almost nothing I regret doing.† There is, however, a lot that I regret not doing.† I wish I’d gone to more swing dance lessons, taken a philosophy class, actually gone to parties ó all manner…
To all the people at Wooster that go unappreciated- the janitors, the Mom’s workers, campus recycling, the folks at printing and binding, campus landscaping, the women who work in the bookstore, the wonderful staff of Olde Main and the Lowry workers: the people that do our dishes, clean up after our parties, and keep our…
SENIOR EDITORIAL: Lowry needs some love
There are a lot of things I’m going to miss about Wooster. I’ll miss my friends and my roommate. Sunday morning breakfasts at Mom’s or The Shack. A certain someone’s sports editorial one-liners ó which were more hit or miss than a game of battleship.
SENIOR EDITORIAL: The Voice keeps journalism alive
My association with journalism began in ninth grade with an empty elective spot and nothing more or less than a whim ó a whim which has spent the last eight years blossoming into a career. Next year I’ll be moving to New York City to get my Masters of Science in Journalism at Columbia University.
SENIOR EDITORIAL: Remember, all is not as it appears
My most life altering moment at the College of Wooster did not take place in the classroom, at any party, abroad or in the office of my advisor. It happened on a Thursday ó Sept. 11, 2008 ó on the Carl Dale Memorial Field. I thought that tearing my ACL was the worst thing that…