Engage yourself: make your cash count
So we all remember the kids in junior high and high school that consistently and emphatically talked in class. If there was a conversation to be had regarding the related material, they were the ones driving it forward with the teacher. These students quickly assumed the nicknames “suck-up,” “teacher’s pet” and “brown noser.”
Disillusion in Obama
A little over two years ago I would have told you Barack Obama was going change the world. Posters from the campaign covered the walls of my room, and for all of October 2008, I was dedicated to campaigning for the liberal democrat who I just knew was going to change everything George W. Bush…
Ramsey’s Real Time: Islamophobes shouldn’t throw stones in a glass house
Last Friday, Bill Maher gave a diagnosis of the apparent misogyny present in Muslim and Arab cultures when discussing the horrific tragedy of Lara Logan, who was assaulted and sexually abused by an Egyptian crowd last week during the celebration of former President Hosni Mubarak’s decision to resign.† Maher said, “It’s fair to say that…
A closer look at the Wooster Fund
On Monday, the Office of Business Affairs celebrated the school’s third annual Tuition Freedom day, in recognition of the generous donations of alumni and other private donors. According to the event’s planners, Monday marked the day that our paid tuition “runs out,” indicating that the remainder of the academic year is paid for by donors.…
A divided right and the 2011 budget
One of the most important and difficult aspects of running the government is deciding how to allocate funds for each fiscal year. That is why the current congressional debate on the 2012 Federal Budget has been† getting so much attention in the past week. The House of Representatives, now under the new management of Speaker…
Unexpected Roommate: Roaches!
Last Friday I discovered something in my room that no one wants to find: a cockroach.† Now, for those of you that don’t know me or have never seen my room, let me tell you that I am obsessed with cleanliness and neatness.† I will even procrastinate doing my I.S. with cleaning my room, and…