A Tale of Two Editors
Senior Editorials Continued from Viewpoints (pages 3 and 4) Amanda Priest Cory Smith Once upon a time there were two women who decided to take their chances in a basement. The lack of windows and arguably red carpet inspired them in ways they never knew possible. Cory, an expected addition to The Wooster Voice…
Boston native reflects on recent events, support
Gina Christo Initially, I asked the Voice staff if I could write an article complaining about the woes of the housing bureaucracy here at the College. But on Monday, my hometown of Boston, was bombed, and my priorities shifted. Where my carrel is and what house my sorority gets seem small in light of this…
Ideological obstination
Ben Taylor During the past few weeks, I attended two politically-oriented meetings, one from each side of the ideological spectrum. The first was the Planned Parenthood discussion “Rights Under Fire” hosted by the College of Wooster Democrats and the second event was the Wayne County Republican Party Executive Committee Meeting. Despite the vast differences which…
Justin Bieber’s self-promotion finally goes too far
Laura Merrell Oh, Justin Bieber, you’ve done it again! Thanks to his childish antics and the criticism they have inspired, Bieber seems to be making headlines every week. One of my favorite recent mis-biebhaviors occured when he came under fire for wearing overalls to meet with the Canadian Prime Minister. This week, he’s in every…
An Examination of School Vouchers
Bryce Benefield Let me paint a picture for you to clear up some misunderstandings about human equality of opportunity: education. Recently, I have read and heard invalid arguments against voucher based educational finance. First, let me describe how we currently finance education. We mandate that the county or state governments fund facilities, hire educators under…
15 Woo memories I want to forget
Dan Grantham Here are the 15 things I want to forget about Wooster as soon as possible. An article regarding the15 memories I want to keep a little longer is forthcoming. 1. Scholarly articles. Who knew that entry into the academic elite meant writing papers that are about as satisfying as reading a selection from…