Letter to the editor responds to alumni concerns about Scot Council
Olivia Proe To the editor: As incoming president of Scot Council, I would like to take this opportunity to address the concerns some of our alumni have voiced regarding the new governing body. I am proud of the governing body that students have worked so hard to create, and strongly believe the creation of Scot…
Letter to the Editors
To Whom It May Concern: I am writing in response to last week’s article outlining the pro-life vs. pro-choice debacle on campus. Primarily, I wanted to comment on a statement made by Ms. Christo of the k(NO)w organization. In her statement, Ms. Christo expressed concern that the pro-life messages displayed by the Wooster Scots for…
a response to Robin Klaus’ “Dorms are not dumps”
Letter to the Editor Written as a response to Robin Klaus’ “Dorms are not dumps” in the Nov. 16 issue of the Voice. Upon reading the “Dorms are not dumps” article, I took a moment to analyze what I just viewed. The humorous introduction was a situation students may encounter during their stay here.…
Letter to the Editor: 9/14/2012
Dear The Wooster Voice, In an attempt to remove a nagging thought from my mind, I have decided to write a viewpoint about last week’s article by R. Taylor Grow. I do not know this person and am sure that “An unacceptable stereotype” was well intentioned, however the “argument” is ages old, irrelevant and quite…
Letters to the Editors: April 20th, 2012
The following letters were sent as a response to an article written by Jacob Sklar ’12, published in the April 6 issue on the Voice, about the relationship of the Republican Party and women’s rights. Jacob Sklar’s defense of the Republican party’s treatment of women in the Viewpoints section two weeks ago is offensive and…
Letter to the Editors, April 1st
Hey, excuse me. Sorry to bother you, but I would really appreciate it if you would take that at least 25 feet away from the building. I know that people smoke cigarettes right next to the building all the time, but it’s just campus policy to make sure the smoke doesn’t bother anyone inside. I…