Category: Online Only

  • Don’t Throw Shoes throws down at improv tournament

    Sally Kershner Features Editor The College of Wooster’s improvisational comedy group Don’t Throw Shoes (DTS) competed at the College Improv Tournament on Jan. 28 in Columbus, Oh. Returning to the stage this school year, DTS competed once again against other improv troupes from the lower Midwest, as well as schools such as Vanderbilt University and…

  • Air conditioning will not affect housing costs

    Oscar Bautista Contributing Writer The College will begin renovations on Babcock and Bornhuetter Halls during the summer by adding air conditioning systems to both halls. This is part of long-term construction projects that the College will undertake in the coming years. After much debate, it has been decided that there will be no additional tuition…

  • Illuminating a “po-faced zealot” perspective

    In the most recent edition of this newspaper, published on Nov. 18, a viewpoint was offered with the goal of “Illuminating a ‘deplorable’ perspective.” This piece of writing gathered quite a bit of attention and seemed to satisfy the writer’s “life affirming” goal of attacking “politically correct liberalism.” If you happen to be one of…

  • An Open Letter to Wooster Conservatives

    I sincerely hope that the opinion piece titled “Illuminating a ‘deplorable’ perspective” (Nov. 18, 2016) does not represent the sentiment of conservative students at The College of Wooster. Speaking for myself, I distinguish Wooster’s conservative students from the xenophobes, misogynists, racists, anti-Semites and homophobes who also voted for President-elect Trump and who do not in…

  • Third alleged Title IX violation under investigation

    A third Title IX investigation has been opened by the Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights Mariah Joyce Editor in Chief The Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights (OCR) has opened a third Title IX investigation at The College of Wooster. The complainants received official confirmation that their case had been accepted and…

  • Wooster faculty will serenade the College at upcoming symphony

    Katie Cameron A & E Editor This Sunday, three faculty members at The College of Wooster are proud to present “Flights of Fancy,” a concert in Gault Recital Hall at the Scheide Music Center. Carrie Culver, a soprano, Hild Peerson, a clarinet player, and Brian Dykstra will perform multiple pieces in various combinations. Peerson is…