Lewis House residents move out after floor sags
Meg Itoh News Editor Lewis House suffered damage to the first floor of the house on Jan. 30 and the house is currently under repair. For the duration of construction, house members have been moved to residence halls across campus. “The floor joists supporting the first floor of the house were damaged, including several important…
Williams Hall plan coming together
Construction for Mateer’s replacement will begin in June Janel England Senior News Writer The College will begin the demolition of Mateer Hall in June in preparation for the new Williams Hall of Life Science building. Williams Hall will be connected to all levels of Severance Hall for the purpose of uniting biology, chemistry, biochemisty and…
SGA exec. board election results released
Spencer Gilbert elected as SGA president, Abbey Partika to be VP Stephen Lumetta News Editor While the country is paying attention to the presidential elections, The College of Wooster student body went to the digital polls to select its Student Government Association (SGA) executive board for the 2016-17 school year. Students chose Spencer Gilbert ’17…
Staff shortages result in self-service Deli
Janel England Senior News Writer Upon returning to campus, students were notified via a sign in the Lowry Dining Hall that the Deli station, which was previously fully staffed, would now be self-serve. “Over Winter Break, we realized that we would start the second semester short-staffed while working to train new employees,” said Interim Director…
Trash can in Scovel men’s room set on fire
Mariah Joyce Editor in Chief A small trash can fire was discovered in Scovel Hall this past Monday, Feb. 1. According to a campus-wide email update on the incident sent out by Director of Security and Protective Services (SPS) Steve Glick, the fire was discovered by Service Center staff at approximately 2 p.m. in the…
Staff Committee conducting discussions
Mariah Joyce Editor in Chief The Staff Committee is in the midst of conducting a series of discussions with staff about their experience working at The College of Wooster. These discussions are being conducted to help the Strategic Planning & Priorities Advisory Committee (SPPAC) further their mission of examining compensation for College employees. Members of…