Category: News

  • Campus Council reforms election process

    Caren Holmes Staff Writer Campus Council announced this week that the organization is reforming aspects of its election process in order to increase student participation and streamline the election procedures. At-Large Campus Council member, Jordan Griffith ’19 explained that the elections schedule has been moved up so as to take place two weeks prior to…

  • New sexual assault notification system proposed

    K(now), in conjunction with Brothers of Diversity, presented a petition to administration with 643 signatures Brandon Bell Staff Writer Kn(o)w has presented a petition to the Dean of Students Office proposing the creation of a campus e-mail notification system for incidents of sexual assault. Under the proposed system, the campus would be e-mailed general information…

  • Amnesty International hosts Anti-DAPL Phonathon

    Caren Holmes Staff Writer On Dec. 1, as part of the nationally organized day of action against the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL), leaders of The College of Wooster’s Amnesty International chapter organized a phonathon in solidarity with the protestors of Standing Rock. More than 50 students participated over the course of two…

  • DEISPG promotes diversity on campus

    Mackenzie Clark News Editor On Tuesday, Dec. 6, The Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Strategic Planning Group (DEISPG) met to begin work on their multi-year strategic plan to promote diversity, equity and inclusion in the campus community. In an email sent to the campus community on Nov. 17, Shadra Smith, co-chair of DEISPG and assistant dean…

  • Student organizes solidarity demonstration

    Janel England News Editor At noon on Friday, Dec. 2, 15 students, led by Helen Overstreet ’17, gathered in front of Lowry Center to sing “Amazing Grace.” While they sang, they held signs with phrases such as “embrace compassion, embrace action,” “#Undocumented Lives Matter,” and “#Black Lives Matter, #Queer Lives Matter, #Indigenous Lives Matter,” as…

  • Dating violence workshop hosted by k(no)w

    Megan Zerrer Sports Editor Last Thursday, Dec. 1, a group of students organized a One Love Escalation Workshop in order to spread awareness on The College of Wooster campus about dating violence. Tiffany Trunk ’17 was responsible for organizing the event after another student suggested that k(no)w should host the workshop, which was hosted by…