Student hit in crosswalk reflects on incident
Zoe Covey Contributing Writer On Tuesday, Oct. 24, Tara Keller ’18 was struck by a silver Cadillac driving down Beall Avenue while she crossed the street between Babcock Hall and the tennis courts. She was hit suddenly, and recalls thinking it was strange that the driver did not slow or stop as she entered the…
Wooster earns high ranking on WSJ lists
Waverly Hart News Editor The Wall Street Journal/Times Higher Education (WSJ/THE) recently released their list of U.S. College Rankings and their list of Top 100 Liberal Arts Schools. Among liberal arts schools, The College of Wooster was ranked 39th. Additionally, Wooster placed 105th out of over 800 U.S. colleges and universities on the list, marking…
SGA’s Budget Committee expands role and jobs
Meeting frequency will increase to once a week Waverly Hart News Editor Recently, The College of Wooster’s Student Government Association (SGA) has been making plans to expand the role of their Budget Committee in order to make SGA run more efficiently. Currently, the Budget Committee’s main purpose is to select members for the Allocations Committee,…
Wooster receives grant to fund talks with community
New “Living Room Conversations” will connect town residents and student population in Wooster Lexi Riley Staff Writer On Sept. 11, 2017, the non-profit organization Campus Compact announced The College of Wooster’s selection as one of only 40 colleges and universities to receive a $5,000 grant. The money will fund a campus initiative to strengthen bonds…
SGA to launch new radio show on Woo 91
Zoe Covey Contributing Writer This Saturday, October 28, the Student Government Association (SGA) hopes to launch its new weekly radio show on Woo 91. Aiming to forge a stronger relationship between the student body and SGA, the show will be taking live questions from students as well as occasionally bringing on special guests. The hope…
Student groups voice concerns at meeting
SGA to relay concerns to the Board of Trustees Lexi Riley Staff Writer On Wednesday, Oct. 4, the Student Government Association (SGA) held a student planning meeting in preparation for the upcoming Student Development Meeting with the Board of Trustees. “This meeting gives student groups an opportunity to talk about what they think the Board…