Wooster Street Style

Finally, fashion has become remotely important to Wooster students. These trends have not gone unnoticed by the staff of The Wooster Voice. Under the influence of online fashion blogs such as thesartorialist.com and The Clothes Horse, and television programs such as Project Runway, students have begun to notate the campusí own efforts. If you spot a well-dressed Scot, snap a photo and send it lkuster11@wooster.edu or msill10@wooster.edu. The first featured student is Keli Horton ë10.

Where do you like to shop?

My favorite types of stores have mostly basics, but some really unique pieces. Sometimes boutiques are nice to have something one-of-a-kind. Mostly, though, I look for quality over quantity. So, no Forever 21.

What is your favorite piece in this outfit?

I think Iíve been wearing tights a lot more. They automatically make you look like you have your [stuff] together. They almost force you to wear your nicest skirts and dresses. I also really love how feminine and classic they are.